////////// Elise van der Pol //////////

I’m a reinforcement learning researcher working in AI for Science and geometric deep reinforcement learning. You can contact me through e-mail: evanderpol[at][company][dot]com.

Academic Bio

Researcher at Microsoft Research AI for Science, Amsterdam. Before joining MSR, I completed my PhD on the topic of Symmetry and Structure in Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab, working with Max Welling (UvA), Frans Oliehoek (TU Delft) and Herke van Hoof (UvA). Before my PhD, I studied Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam where I obtained my Master’s degree (cum laude). My MSc thesis was on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Coordinated Traffic Light Controllers. I was also involved with Inclusive AI.

Picture of me can be found here.


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